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  • Writer's pictureJ.C. Hannigan

It's Release Day Eve!

Tomorrow my 15th novel releases, and I am a mess of emotions, trepidation, and of course...anxiety! You'd think with this being my 15th release, I would be somewhat used to the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with the territory, but that's not the case.

Each time feels like a first time, a brand new time, even when you have ten years of publishing under your belt. It probably feels that way because each book, each story, is so vastly different.

I started writing Riverside Reverie in 2017, after a camping trip with friends inspired me. I set it down to work on a few other projects over the years, but I just couldn't get this story out of my head, and I kept going back to it...chipping away at it. This year, my soul told me it was time to finish it and release it.

Some stories sit in our hearts and minds for years before they see the light of day, and others come fast and without much pain to create. It's why I relate writing books to having kids. I've done both, and I can honestly say that the making of each "book baby" (and baby baby, for that matter) is different, as is the growing and the birthing of. Every experience is special and different.

Riverside Reverie wasn't easy, it was slow moving until it wasn't, until the time was right and everything just clicked and fell into place. It's a story that took time to tell and execute, and that's okay.

It's also a story that I'm very nervous to release. Perhaps because I spent so much time with it, perhaps because it took me so many years to get right. Perhaps because bits and pieces of myself are in it, as they are in each and every one of my books. But this one, it hits different, I guess.

Either way, it's coming regardless of how nervous I am!

You can still pre-order it for $2.99 (after release it'll be $5.99).

ALSO, I was recently a guest on the podcast Lemon's Listening Library. If you've got Spotify, you can listen to it here.

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